Antropologisk foto-installation, Liselotte Justesen
UDEN HJEM fortællingen om hjemløse kvinders hverdag og skabene i københavn 2009
Udstillet på; Den Frie Udstillingsbygning forårsudstillingen 2006, Kvindemuseet seperat udstilling, Københavns Rådhushal seperat udstilling
Artist and Organizer of the documentary staging “Uden hjem” (Without a Home) a documentary photo installation portraying six homeless women from Copenhagen by showing their few belongings.
The project was displayed at: Den Frie - Contemporary Art House, City Hall of Copenhagen, at Women's Museum exhibition. Made in collaboration with the drop-in centres Reden and Dortheavej, and The Red Cross Natherberg in Hvidovre and their visitors.