Antropologisk foto-installation, Liselotte Justesen
Kunstner og Organisator af dokumentarisk antropologisk installation.
Undersøger hvordan længslen efter et hjemland påvirker i mange generationer efter en migration og skaber en form for hjemlands romantik. Jeg har rejst i Argentina og besøgt slægtninge af danske migranter op til 5. generation.
I samarbejde med; Argentinsk Forening I Danmark (Argentinian Association in Denmark and (CEMLA) Centre of Latin American Migration Studies.
Udstillet på; Kunsthal Charlottenborg Forårsudstillingen 2010
Støttet af, Danske scenografer
Artist and Organizer of the documentary staging “Home is where the heart belongs” in Argentina, 2009.
An exploration on how Nationality effects the human need to define oneself, how this becomes visible in our homes, and how the longing for one’s place of birth often creates an overly romantic vision of that place. Made in collaboration with Argentinsk Forening I Danmark (Argentinian Association in Denmark and (CEMLA) Centre of Latin American Migration Studies. Displayed at the spring exhibition at Kunsthal Charlottenborg. (Project funded by SDS)